Dion Physical Therapy
4263 N Main St
Fall River, MA 02720
Dion Physical Therapy
271 Main Street
Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
Physical Therapy
Common Injuries/Diagnoses treated at Dion Physical Therapy
Low back pain and sciatica
SI Joint pain
Neck and shoulder pain and injuries
Balance and gait disorders
Elbow/wrist/hand pain and injuries
Hip and knee pain and injuries
Ankle and foot pain and injuries
Sports injuries
Motor Vehicle Accident injuries
Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation
Work Injuries
Prenatal and post-partum conditions and pain
Therapeutic Exercise and Activity
Used to improve range of motion, strength, flexibility, endurance, stability to return to functional activities
Neuromuscular Re-education
Used to​ improve balance, proprioception, coordination, postural, muscle re-education
Modalities and Manual Therapy
The following are used when indicated for pain relief, improving mobility, and restoring alignment/function
Electrical Stimulation
Joint Mobilization
Muscle Energy Techniques
Patient education
All Patients are given a home exercise program appropriate for their needs and goals. Also instructed as needed: lifting technique, proper gait and running mechanics, activity modification, postural training, ergonomics​